How Our B Corp Journey Created Our "KO for Good" Discount
by Marybeth Alexander

How Our B Corp Journey Created Our "KO for Good" Discount

Through our "KO for Good" program, KnowledgeOwl provides discounted and free knowledge base software to nonprofits, B Corps, and other purpose-driven organizations.

We have always offered a 25% discount to nonprofits. All nonprofit organizations have to do to receive that discount is check a box within our app and a 25% discount is automatically applied. This discount has always been on the honor system and it's currently only available for yearly subscriptions.

Our B Corp aspirations inspired us to expand the discount into something more: the KO for Good discount. The KO for Good discount is available not just to nonprofits, but also to B Corps and purpose-driven organizations. In addition to providing the no-questions-asked 25% discount, we also provide further discounts (all the way up to free subscriptions) for organizations that qualify for KO for Good but cannot afford a KnowledgeOwl subscription.

Linus Says: Interested in other KnowledgeOwl discounts? Get a 10% discount with yearly payments, 15% discount for 2-year upfront payments, and 20% for 3-year upfront payments.

Who qualifies for a KO for Good discount?

Any organization that identifies as a nonprofit, B Corp, or purpose-driven organization is eligible for the discount. It's on the honor system, but we still have people reach out to make sure that they qualify (which is very sweet!).

Nonprofit organizations are the most common type of organization to receive the discount. When we say nonprofit, this includes most government and educational organizations as well. These are organizations that exist for the benefit of society, and we want to help them benefit society.

B Corps are companies that have achieved B Corp certification. They have clearly demonstrated that they are using business as a force for good, and we want to support them in that mission.

Purpose-driven organizations are those that don’t fit into the nonprofit or B Corp category but whose purpose is to have a positive impact on society and/or the environment. If you are using your business as a force for good, even if you aren’t a certified B Corp or traditional nonprofit, we want to help.

How do you get the 25% discount?

If you qualify for the KO for Good discount, you can automatically apply it within your KnowledgeOwl account. Currently, the discount is only available for yearly subscriptions, but we will be releasing an improved billing system soon that will give you the option to get the discount on monthly subscriptions as well.

If you are paying by invoice, just let our team know that you would like the KO for Good discount. We try to make sure all nonprofits, B Corps, and purpose-driven organizations know it is available, but sometimes we won’t know unless you tell us. 🙂

How do you get a bigger discount or free account?

If you qualify for the KO for Good discount but need more than a 25% discount (up to a free account), contact us at Our success owls will work with you to figure out how we can best help.

How does the KO for Good discount impact our B Impact Assessment and B Corp status?

During our initial interview with B Labs, we learned that our KO for Good program qualified KnowledgeOwl as an Impact Business Model(or IBM). An IBM is specifically designed to create a positive impact on society, the environment, or a particular community.

During our first unsuccessful attempt at certification, we had listed KO as an IBM, but status was rejected, and our score fell below the requirement, so our application was closed. So, we chose not to report KnowledgeOwl as an IBM during our most recent (successful) submission.

Despite this, B Labs decided that our KO for Good program qualified us for an IBM this time around. The type of positive outcome for using KnowledgeOwl is an “increased operational success or capital for purpose driven or underserved enterprises (e.g. impact investing or fundraising platforms, nonprofit accounting services)”. We were really happy to qualify as this type of business model because it meant that the good we’ve been trying to do in the world was being recognized!

What’s next?

We are hoping to grow our base of KO for Good customers. While we already have a good number of nonprofits using KnowledgeOwl, we’d love to support other B Corps and purpose-driven organizations.

We love doing business with value-aligned folks, and we are particularly interested in supporting members of 1% for the Planet, purpose-driven software companies, and more nonprofits.

If you or anyone you know is interested, please reach out to us. We would love to work with you! Hoot! 🦉

Marybeth Alexander

Marybeth is the Knowledge Goddess and Chief Executive Owl at KnowledgeOwl. Connect with her on LinkedIn

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